Cisco IoT VR Experience

Cisco’s industrial IoT applications operate at a scale too physically large to bring into a hall and demonstrate for media, customers, partners, and executives. So they designed an Oculus-based VR experience to let participants explore these applications in virtual space. This was first deployed by InVision Communications at the huge annual conference, Cisco Live.

To help them leverage that investment beyond Oculus users and reach the entire global sales force, we modified and repurposed that content to be usable on Mobile Phones, via the Youtube 360 platform.

InVision Communications turned to our team’s interactive storytelling and design expertise to interface with multiple engineering and client groups at Cisco to curate and distill three very different broad storylines (trains, utilities, and manufacturing). We distilled extensive engineering content in to three- or four-minute VR experiences detailed enough for sales processes but simplified enough for mid-market managers to use and corporate buyers to understand. We translated each story into a user interface and experience within a VR world, including story branches, user interface navigation concepts, and overall design simplicity.

On the front end, we also helped position InVision’s pitch to Cisco’s internal department heads to solicit the contribution of interdepartmental funds for the project, by demonstrating the value to their individual departments within Cisco. In this way, we helped lead clients to overcome challenges of a lean budget on a short timeline.

The experience garnered Event Tech’s “silver” award for Best Use of a Single Technology (B-to-B)

Cisco Systems, Inc.
Client Team

Lynn Worley
Nancy Castillo

InVision Communications
Agency Team

Desiree Moncton - Global Account Director
Patrick Connolly - Creative Technologist
Debra Faustini - Producer
James A. Kern - Senior Creative Director

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