Mitsubishi Ralliart SEMA Reveal

The SEMA Show draws more than 60,000 domestic and international custom car buyers. In Las Vegas, GO! Productions produced the Mitsubishi press event to introduce their special edition, customized Ralliart Galant and Endeavor SUV, with killer paint jobs and aluminized features. The event announced a shift in the corporate point-of-view, as Mitsubishi embraced the “tuner” market– the people who were already spending money customizing their cars– by giving them certified aftermarket parts that would maintain their factory warranty. In effect, it was time to embrace street-racing culture.

Embracing this message in the media presentation, GO! Productions enrolled our creative team to take to the streets and shoot race-inspired footage and photography of the cars in downtown Los Angeles. We layered video, motion graphics and music to deliver a pulse-raising intro video and curated the photography for the presskit. The response from both media and the tuner community was enthusiastic.

Mitsubishi Motors North America
Client Team
GO! Productions
Agency Team

James Kubik - Executive Producer
James A. Kern - Creative Director / Video Director
Charles Hellwig - Motion Graphics / Editor

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